Open Mars Dataset

MultiAgent, multitRaverSal, multimodal
autonomous vehicle dataset


In collaboration with the self-driving company May Mobility, we present the MARS dataset which unifies scenarios that enable multiagent, multitraversal, and multimodal autonomous vehicle research.

MARS is collected with a fleet of autonomous vehicles driving within a certain geographical area. Each vehicle has its own route and different vehicles may appear at nearby locations. Each vehicle is equipped with a LiDAR and surround-view RGB cameras.

We curate two subsets in MARS: one facilitates collaborative driving with multiple vehicles simultaneously present at the same location, and the other enables memory retrospection through asynchronous traversals of the same location by multiple vehicles. We conduct experiments in place recognition and neural reconstruction. More importantly, MARS introduces new research opportunities and challenges such as multitraversal 3D reconstruction, multiagent perception, and unsupervised object discovery.

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Feb 28, 2024 The Multiagent and Multitraversal subsets are now available for download!
Feb 28, 2024 Paper accepted by CVPR 2024, see you in Seattle!