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In this tutorial, we are going to introduce basics of V2X-Sim 2.0 Dataset with different visualizations.
This part is adapted from nuScenes tutorial since our V2X-Sim dataset follows the same structure as nuScenes.
In this part of the tutorial, let us go through a top-down introduction of our database. Our dataset comprises of elemental building blocks that are the following:
- Log information from which the data was extracted.scene
- 20 second snippet of a car's journey.sample
- An annotated snapshot of a scene at a particular timestamp.sample_data
- Data collected from a particular sensor.ego_pose
- Ego vehicle poses at a particular timestamp.sensor
- A specific sensor type.calibrated sensor
- Definition of a particular sensor as calibrated on a particular vehicle.instance
- Enumeration of all object instance we observed.category
- Taxonomy of object categories (e.g. vehicle, human).attribute
- Property of an instance that can change while the category remains the same.visibility
- Fraction of pixels visible in all the images collected from 6 different cameras.sample_annotation
- An annotated instance of an object within our
- Map data that is stored as binary semantic masks from a top-down view.The database schema is visualized below. For more information see the nuScenes schema page.
# Install dependencies
!pip install v2x-sim-visualizer
!pip install gdown
import gdown
# download V2X-Sim-2.0-mini dataset
url = ''
output = '', output, quiet=False)
Downloading... From: To: /home/dekunma/CS/ai4ce/v2x-sim-tutorial/ 100%|██████████| 6.42G/6.42G [03:10<00:00, 33.7MB/s]
If the above download does not work on your local machine, you'll have to manually download the file from this Google Drive link
If the above download does not work on Colab, go to this link, add
to your drive as a shortcut, mount your drive by running the following hidden code cell, and then to use the V2X-Sim 2.0-mini zip file.
# no need to run this cell if the download is successful
from google.colab import drive
Unzip V2X-Sim-2.0-mini dataset in silence mode
from nuscenes.nuscenes import NuScenes as V2XSimDataset
v2x_sim = V2XSimDataset(version='v2.0-mini', dataroot='./V2X-Sim-2.0-mini', verbose=True)
====== Loading NuScenes tables for version v2.0-mini... Loading nuScenes-lidarseg... 32 category, 5 attribute, 4 visibility, 157 instance, 130 sensor, 130 calibrated_sensor, 13000 ego_pose, 12 log, 1 scene, 100 sample, 13000 sample_data, 15292 sample_annotation, 3 map, 600 lidarseg, Done loading in 0.192 seconds. ====== Reverse indexing ... Done reverse indexing in 0.0 seconds. ======
This V2X-Sim-2.0-mini dataset contains only one scene (scene 5).
# To investigate a single scene
my_scene = v2x_sim.scene[0]
{'token': 'ofw501ws5eyia0341m1f83ofwf51w9q8', 'log_token': '2zhl7qeiey1jg30067tj03eyphdy3a14', 'nbr_samples': 100, 'first_sample_token': 'q68g8v6474j10l675mphs2r8w97575ca', 'last_sample_token': '0740v806u16chqb4nmli6pe6h423r1ek', 'name': 'scene_5', 'description': 'an intersection of map town3'}
There are as many as 47,200 samples in the V2X-Sim 2.0 full dataset. The details for each sample can be viewed as follows.
my_scene = v2x_sim.scene[0]
first_sample_token = my_scene['first_sample_token']
my_sample = v2x_sim.get('sample', first_sample_token)
{'token': 'q68g8v6474j10l675mphs2r8w97575ca', 'timestamp': 6, 'prev': '', 'next': '3c4bft9odwatyv0dz1v86w4085a7rfm0', 'scene_token': 'ofw501ws5eyia0341m1f83ofwf51w9q8', 'data': {'CAM_id_0_0': '89d3cb7qve777ro7ag55547sve55w49n', 'DEP_id_0_0': '16njc6ewe35qt5nm3eqi4n18lo8y5236', 'SEG_id_0_0': 'w4uoi2x12o13q5268h2y9s307lut8csz', 'CAM_id_0_1': 'l7f89ei0015o842pjb8w0t9991tzdlr0', ... 'LIDAR_TOP_id_5': '57al5274fzg981uwpdp71778am93hc34', 'SEMLIDAR_TOP_id_5': '6428btizh3da622l797l0gc217kk8815'}, 'anns': ['qd2333299cth40oy7mx16ejzcn02c345', 'dr9t91666nqsg4sg8so716x016s4e897', ... '640zi8z6hec6xq122x5m42kb2gyhwdw7', 'x85ga3v7az9fk0124235p6vm7btpmyie']}
Each vehivle has 6 RGB cameras installed:
)Let's visualize data from these cameras for vehicle 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
num_rows = 2
num_cols = 3
fig, axs = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, 6))
vehicle_id = 1
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_cols):
channel = channels[i * num_cols + j]
sample_data = v2x_sim.get('sample_data', my_sample['data'][f'{channel}_id_{vehicle_id}'])
v2x_sim.render_sample_data(sample_data['token'], ax=axs[i, j], verbose=False)
We can also plot the point cloud data from the top LIDAR (LIDAR_TOP
) sensor in these RGB camera images.
for channel in channels:
sample = v2x_sim.sample[0]
v2x_sim.render_pointcloud_in_image(sample['token'], pointsensor_channel='LIDAR_TOP_id_0', camera_channel=f'{channel}_id_{vehicle_id}')
Let's also visualize the front camera (CAM_FRONT
) for all five vehicles.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, 6))
vehicle_id = 1
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_cols):
channel = channels[i * num_cols + j]
sample_data = v2x_sim.get('sample_data', my_sample['data'][f'CAM_FRONT_id_{vehicle_id}'])
v2x_sim.render_sample_data(sample_data['token'], ax=axs[i, j], verbose=False)
vehicle_id += 1
vehicle_id = min(vehicle_id, 5)
from v2x_sim_visualizer import render_sample_data, render_scene_lidar
Lidar data visualization for a single sample.
Here we are showing the Top BEV (Bird's Eye View) Lidar visualization of the Road-side unit (RSU) in this sample.\
channel = 'LIDAR_TOP_id_0'
sample_data_token = my_sample['data'][channel]
render_sample_data(v2x_sim, sample_data_token,
with_anns=True, underlay_map=False, pointsensor_channel=channel, axes_limit=32)
Visualize the Top BEV Lidar of all agents (vehicels and RSU) in this scene.
Data from the RSU is colored grey.
token_scene_no = 'scene_5'
my_scene_token = v2x_sim.field2token('scene', 'name', token_scene_no)[0]
num_rows = 3
num_cols = 2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(12, 16))
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_cols):
frame_idx = i * 20 + j * 5
render_scene_lidar(v2x_sim, my_scene_token, axes_limit=96, single_frame_idx=frame_idx, ax=axes[i, j])
axes[i, j].set_title('Frame {}'.format(frame_idx))
channel = 'SEMLIDAR_TOP_id_0'
sample_data_token = my_sample['data'][channel]
render_sample_data(v2x_sim, sample_data_token,
with_anns=True, underlay_map=False, pointsensor_channel=channel, axes_limit=32)